从最小的生物到整个生态系统, you will learn the foundational biological principles that connect these to each other, but also gain a better understanding of your position in the universe. Modern biologists are challenged to find solutions for some of the biggest issues of our time. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的生物学学位让你准备好从科学和明显的路德基督教的角度来看待这些问题. 它可以为研究领域的众多职业打开大门, 教育, 行业, 取证, and professional positions in various areas within the allied health profession.
Concordia’s 生物学 Department is committed to research and research design. 我们的学生在实验设计方面受过训练, 提案撰写及提交, 现实世界对数据收集的限制, 统计数据分析, 还有很多其他的研究方案. 我们的目标是提供一种体验,让你能够灵活地设计一个由你自己的兴趣驱动的研究项目, 进行那个实验, and then write up the results of the research in a refereed journal format. 作为赌博十大平台排行生物学专业的学生, 你将完成一篇高级研究论文,这将为你在科学领域的高级学习或职业生涯做好准备,这是许多大学无法做到的.